Pitch Techniques: Tell a Story…the Pixar Method

To move people…to sell them. . to persuade them: you must 1. Get their attention quickly 2. Establish Interest. 3. Build Credibility 4. Establish some value 5. Gain commitment for a next step. In all of my reviews of your video presentations, I always suggest telling a story and using a visual to gain attention ...

Objections: Feel-Felt-Found approach

Addressing Objections is always a daunting problem. Let’s take price. Often a prospect,customer, or client will object to the price of your product or service. A common Closing Technique that I don’t care for suggests that you ask your client: “If I am able to satisfy your financial concerns, is there any other reason we ...

Customer Billing Disputes “What do you feel is fair” 2

For Isaiah…Of course it is always best to have a contract for services between you and your client. Actually, a simple email or letter will usually suffice. However, I have successfully done business with a handshake but usually only after building a strong relationship over years with a client. If a third party is involved, ...

Spring INNOV 2010 Midterm Video Submissions

To All, I have almost completed viewing all the videos submitted. To FUSESPORT: What a GREAT JOB.  Javier you listened to me and “told the story” The video presentation was crisp, professional, and well presented. I especially liked the pop-up box which showed your material with each presenter. SYMTAPP: Another good job, but checkout FuseSport ...