
We never learn anything if we are comfortable. Useful experience and skills come through struggle and repetition: Much like sports conditioning.

How one deals with stress is very important:

Negative ways to deal with stress:

Sleeping too much
Eating too much.
Drugs, alcohol, substances that artificially make you feel better.
Too much TV or video Games

Positive ways to deal with stress:

Exercise: Multiple benefits and you feel great
Volunteering: Doing for others improves your keep your stress in perspective. You problems aren’t that bad.
Church: Being with others and developing your spiritual well being is good for you.

Exercise is critical as it not only gets rid of stress, but it also gives you more energy, you sleep better, and it makes you stronger. If you can develop a routine that includes daily exercise, its phenomenal.

Most of all be happy, all successful people develop positive methods to deal with the stress of growing and learning…dont get discouraged and

If you EVER feel Despondent or unable to cope….GET HELP quickly. Generally its just an episode and will pass, but don’t take the chance..

Have fun and learn….the pain is part of th process.

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