Objections: Feel-Felt-Found approach

Addressing Objections is always a daunting problem.

Let’s take price. Often a prospect,customer, or client will object to the price of your product or service.

A common Closing Technique that I don’t care for suggests that you ask your client: “If I am able to satisfy your financial concerns, is there any other reason we can’t do business” This is called a “trial close” and although the technique is valid, it isn’t very empathetic to the question you are being asked. I DONT LIKE THIS IN ANSWERING THE PRICE QUESTIONS

Let’s explore the “Feel-Felt-Found” approach… first …THIS MUST BE SINCERE or you will lose your credibility.

It goes like this. First you MUST qualify the question: “So if I understand your concern (note the word “concern”), you feel that our (Product/service) cost may out way the VALUE of your investment.”  These are VERY important words as they take the objection and make it Non-personal. LISTEN to the answer carefully and you may need to ask a couple of more questions to insure that you understand the concern correctly. Is it that competition is less expensive…or what…Dont assume and then jump into an inappropriate response.

Here is how to use the “Feel-Felt-Found” Approach. First you want to confirm that you understand how your client FEELS…this puts you squarely on THEIR side of the issue and avoids the confrontation approach


I understand how you feel about this investment, In fact, other customers/clients of mine felt the same way you do and they found that the combination of our Product and Service is well worth the small additional investment. Does this make make your investment more valuable?

This sincere approach avoids the ugliness of You against Them. It works and has many variations…but this is the basic approach.. I will use this technique more in other posts..

Try it…it works but takes practice…but most of all…..Ask clarifying questions and then be SINCERE!



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