Dynamics of Initial Client Meetings

This is probably the most important meeting you will have with your client.

It sets the tone of all of your meetings and the RELATIONSHIP to follow.

So……PREPARE and think it through.

What is your objective: Are you waiting for something to happen……Like the client to tell you what to do? BAD IDEA. You want to make things happen in this meeting, OR at least be prepared to do that in case the client is not prepared. CLIENTS ARE NOT ALWAYS PREPARED. They are often distracted which brings me back to:::::: Yep

Attention, Interest, Creditbiltiy/Trust, establishing value, gaining commitment on next steps (ACTION).

This is your ONLY CHANCE TO MAKE A FIRST IMPRESSION. So what’s it gonna be? A group of college kids waiting to be told what to do, or a surprisingly professional team of individuals who have prepared thoroughly and are ready to make a contribution to my company?

This first meeting is your chance to establish your credibility and earn the right to be part of this company for the time of this project.

How about a video of a client call? Ill use actors to demonstrate a bad first meeting and then a good one. If you would like me to provide this, it may take a couple of weeks to coordinate it but I would be happy to do it for you. Send me a post.

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