Some thoughts about Group meetings

In my experience over the years, Maintaining attention and interest (yep, there it is again, Attention, Interest, Credibility, Value, Action) , Maintaining Attention and Interest is a challenge with any group. Even in meetings where all are physically present, it is difficult to keep everyone on “the same page” and focused.

With clients in remote locations, it is even more challenging.

It seems to me that you need some vehicle to keep everyone’s attention directed to the same place. I have found that a monitor (or large screen for large audiences/meetings) serves this purpose well. Personally, I don’t like “Power Point Decks” for initial client meetings.

With most of your clients (technical applications), the ability to view the application together (how it works now, then how the client would like it to work) has always worked well for me throughout my career.

This is easily accomplished remotely by using gotomeeting, Skype etc. You can also record the call (very useful, BUT BE SURE TO ASK PERMISSION).

I think GotoMeeting offers a free trial:)

Would you like me to post an example of  using a visual in a group meeting? Send me a post.

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